The “Correfoc” is a popular show in which a group of people dressed as demons parade through the streets of a city, dancing and jumping amidst fireworks. The result is fire, noise, laughter and adrenaline.
Correfoc usually takes place during the fiestas of a city or neighbourhood, mainly in Catalonia. But it has also spread to the Valencian Country, the Balearic Islands and northern Catalonia. In the case of Barcelona, almost every festival in its different districts (Gothic, Gracia, Sants, Barceloneta…) has a Correfoc in its programme of activities.
But how did this idea come about? As you may have guessed, the origin of the famous correfocs comes from the devil’s dance. The first written references date back to 1150. It was the first time that something similar to a correfoc was graphically demonstrated. Furthermore, during the wedding banquet of Ramón Berenguer IV and Princess Peronella, this performance took place. Later on, between the 14th and 15th centuries, there is considerable documentation of the participation of “devils” in various celebrations.
The term “correfoc” appears for the first time in writing in the 1980 programme of activities for the Mercè festival in Barcelona, to describe this fiery parade of devils and dragons. That’s how this form of fire parade was born, which has now spread in an extraordinary way.
Nowadays, the correfoc is one of the most important and popular elements of Barcelona’s Festa Major. The people of Barcelona love to jump with the devils who follow them in their infernal dance, while the streets buzz with joy and excitement, amidst smoke, flames and sparks. Don’t you think that our students would not want to miss out on such an experience?