Tag: documents

How to apply to a university in Spain for international students

How to apply to a university in Spain for international students? [2025]

Do you want to study in Spain but you're not sure what to do and how to apply? You've come to the right place. It is important to be well prepared and know what you...

What is the NIE and how do I get it?

The Número de Identidad de Extranjero (NIE) or Foreigner’s Identification Number is an identification and tax number in Spain for all foreigners. The NIE number typically starts with an X or Y followed by...

What is the TIE and how to get it?

The Tarjeta de Identidad para Extranjeros (TIE) or Foreigner Identity Card is the title that demonstrates that you have the legal right to stay in the country. It’s a valid temporary stay permit for...

PCE University Spain access exam for students from EU, China, Norway, etc.

If you are a citizen from the European Union or a country with whom Spain has a reciprocity agreement such as China, Norway and Switzerland, you may not need to take the full EBAU...