If you want to go off the beaten track in Barcelona you should definitely go to Parc de Labyrinth de Horta.
This Parc is the oldest park in Barcelona en not that well known among tourists. That’s why it stays an undiscovered treasure. We went with students after class. The sun was out which gives the Parc a special touch.
The park is located in the district of Horta in the north part of the city. The park was built in 1791 by the marquis and landowner Joan Antoni Desvalls of d’Ardena. It is divided into two gardens: the older garden in a neoclassical style and the younger garden in a romantic style. Inside the old garden is a labyrinth. In the center of the labyrinth is a statue of Eros, the god of love. You can go there and try to be the first one who finds the centre of the Parc. Enjoy the trees and flowers in the beautiful garden around the labyrinth.The entrance is €2,23, on Sunday and Wednesday it is for free. Metro Mundet (L3).