Every July, at Linguaschools Granada, we enjoy a wonderful jazz festival in the town of Almuñécar, on the Costa Tropical. Not only the festival is a lot of fun but also very special for all the inhabitants since they are involved in its organization.
This year, the festival will have reduced capacity due to COVID-19, but the performers will be of high caliber.
Between July 22nd and 25th, we will enjoy the edition number 33 of JazzGranada in Majuelo Park. There will be a large number of performances, the most notable being the Spanish jazz prodigy, Andrea Motis. Other notable performances are that of Pepa Niebla and Chano Domínguez Trío.
Finally, JazzGranada complies with all the security measures for this type of event. So, what are you waiting to get your tickets online? Don’t miss out!
More information about the event and performances at JazzGranada.