Each Easter we prepare torrijas for our students. La torrija is a sweat dish, tipical to eat during easter. The smell of sugar and cinnamon fills the school. When all students come out of class and enter our sunny garden the delicious torrijas are waiting for them. It´s one of these days that make it extra special at Linguaschools. This year it is a bit different but you don’t have to celebrate Semana Santa without torrijas! Because here is the recipe!! Try to make them at home, close your eyes when you take a bite and imagine yourself in the schoolgarden. Buen provecho and happy Easter!
Cómo hacer torrijas (2 personas)
How to make Torrijas (serves 2)
Necesitas: 4 rebanadas de pan blanco de ayer – 2 huevos – 100 ml de leche – canela – azúcar – aceite de oliva
tenedor – tazón – plato – sartén
What you need;
4 slices of white bread from yesterday – 2 eggs – 100 ml of milk – cinnamon – sugar – olive oil
fork – bowl – plate – baking pan
1. Batir 2 huevos en un tazón y agregar la leche y mezclar bien.
1. Beat the 2 eggs in a bowl and add the milk. Stir firmly.
2. Remoja la rebanada de pan en el tazón y déjalo reposar un poco para que pueda absorber la mezcla de huevo y leche.
2. Soak the slices of bread in the bowl and let it rest for a bit so that it can absorb the egg and milk mixture.
3. Calienta la sartén con un poco de aceite de oliva.
3. Heat up your pan with a bit of olive oil.
4. Saca el pan empapado de la mezcla y colócalo en la sartén. Asegúrate de que el aceite esté caliente antes de poner el pan.
4. Take the soaked bread out of the mixture and place it in the pan. Make sure your oil is hot before you place the bread in it.
5. Mientras se fríe el pan, se mezcla el azúcar y la canela con un tenedor en un plato.
5. While your bread is frying you mix the sugar and the cinnamon with a fork on a plate.
6. Fríe el pan hasta que esté dorado. Luego dale la vuelta y deja que el otro lado se ponga dorado también.
6. Fry the bread until its brown. Then turn it around and let the other side get brown.
7. Saca el pan de la sartén y ponlo en la mezcla de azúcar y canela para que se adhiera a los lados del pan.
7. Take the bread out of the pan and dip it in the plate so that the sugar and cinnamon mixture stays on both sides of the bread.
8. ¡Aquí tienes tu torrija!
8. Here you have your Torrija!